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Component Supplier

Member Since 2018


Specialised in industrial vision for more than 25 years, Visio Nerf was able to set itself apart, and thanks to products with increasingly higher levels of performance, the know-how of its qualified personnel and the rigour in its commitment to its customers, now offers an innovative range of 3D sensors. These new scanners called Cirrus make it possible to respond to often complex applications in complete simplicity. From locating parts in bulk for loading machine tools, to correcting robot trajectories for depositing putty or a windscreen on a vehicle, without forgetting parts inspection directly on the production line, these high-end products push back the limits in industrial vision in order to offer you maximum performance and return on investment on your production lines.

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Aerospace and AutomotiveAerospace and Automotive

Vision Guidance for RoboticsVision Guidance for Robotics

Sliding sleeves bin-picking application in its production process for gearboxes by VISIO NERF

POSTED 11/15/2018

VISIO NERF is developing 3D vision systems for bin picking for more than 15 years. Our 3D vision system is scanning the working volume, localizing a part thanks to CAD model comparison. Once a part has been located, we are testing the collisions with the gripper and the working area to make sure it's free of collision. This operation is using the CAD model of the gripper. Once all the steps are validated, the robot picks precisely the part.