

KingStar软动作提供了软件解决方案的所有优势,在自动配置的EtherCAT环境中使用“即插即用”兼容性在自动配置的EtherCAT环境中进行运动控制。具有预先集成和预先测试的运动库的最高质量和性能,金席尔以传统硬件平台的成本提供运动控制。快速且实惠的Kingstar软动作提供仅提供软件运动控制和定位系统,是一种基于开放式和标准的软件解决方案,可简化电机控制和自动化。软动作直接在PC上运行,使用NIC卡进行I / O,并使用强大的EtherCAT协议从专有和昂贵的硬件的束缚中释放您。随着柔软的运动,运动控制工程师可以在“即插即用”环境中设计,开发和集成基于PC的机器控制器,以进行整合,廉价和可扩展的运动和视觉控制。



N / A.



 | By: Terri Hawker, Director Product Management


在World的实时操作系统中,您想确切地知道您的操作系统在系统中的任何特定点处都在做什么。机器将旋转一个转子或旋转机器时的性能,速度和精度使得在工厂中的平滑生产线和动荡之间产生差异。因此,当编程和测试执行任何数量的代码时,可以在RTX64操作系统上布局您的程序在RTX64 OS上执行的时间表是有用的。主动时的监控框架将记录大约100种类型的事件,以帮助您确定程序的幕后发生的内容。收集的信息非常粒度,从显示在释放内存地址时创建句柄时。这些信息不需要反映程序正在做的事情,而是描述当用户要求创CreceSheAdMemory或程序读取和写入该位置时的子系统正在做的事情。当子系统实际上绕过清理时,它将有助于用户了解,并且在某些时候由程序生成多少活动。

RTX64API的创建,以支持所有这些事件的监控是非常简单的。The Subsystem, while monitoring was turned on would record a series of binary files into a directory, this would represent a session and then the API’s would take those binary files and parse them into an object which could then be read into a program or just converted in a string. The amounts of information generated by the Monitoring sessions were daunting to say the least, so we contracted out to Percepio to have them integrate the information generated by our Monitoring Framework into their Graphical UI using our robust set of API’s to get the needed information. The end result turned out really well. Letting us see a bird’s eye view of a timeline of events that are separated by which thread they happen on and/or which processor they are executed on. This allows for us, the developers, to get a much faster diagnosis of what’s happening under the hood and isolate where we need to debug. This also allows for users to see what their program is doing at exact times of execution and to get an idea of how to improve and optimize their code to run even better on our Real-time Operating System.