STXI Motion Product
Extremely compact motion control software and hardware package, offering extensive programming capabilities that have been successfully implemented in a variety of automation and robotic applications. softMC 3 supports 1 to 6 axes of synchronized, coordinated motion and is designed to seamlessly integrate with Servotronix’s servo and stepper drive-motor systems to provide a complete motion solution.
- Ideal solution for controlling mechanical stages, gantry tables, delta and SCARA Robots
- Open, modular, and modern machine control environment
- Ethernet machine interface
- Support for EtherCAT® and CANopen® motion buses
- Controls 1 to 6 axes
- Powered from industry-standard 24VDC
- Extensive capabilities for both standard and non-standard robotic kinematics
- Rich programming language that allows complete flexibility to create motion programs, with support for pre-emptive multi-tasking and asynchronous event response
- CE compliance