智能视觉灯是一个在发展中国家和领袖manufacturing a complete line of LED products tailored toward machine vision and the advanced lighting industry. Our products feature high current LEDs, quality craftsmanship, and an intelligent driver built-in every light.
Smart Vision Lights(SVL)带有内部Multi-Drive™LED灯控制器引入其新的LM150微型线性灯。内置的Multi-Drive™控制器允许LM150在连续或Overdrive™模式下工作,具体取决于引脚5的输入信号。LM150在Overdrive™模式下可提供超过100,000 Lux。行业标准的5针M12快速断开连接使得简单的接线。LM150还具有过电流保护,可以用PNP或NPN输入启用/踩踏。LM150尺寸为141毫米,提供了一种新的独特尺寸选项,并在Bar Light系列中连接了已经流行的LM45和LM75型号。尽管LM150和其他条灯可用于Brightfield或Darkfield照明,但根据物理位置的不同,LM150的长长而非常狭窄的轮廓使其非常适合Darkfield应用。它对于手机,平板电脑和其他平板显示器的表面检查特别有用。LM150的紧凑性特别适合于电子组件和其他高度自动化的任务,在空间有限且光线位置至关重要。LM150是一种多功能光,其工作距离范围从50到2000毫米。光图案可以通过五个镜头选择来修饰,范围从16度窄到80度宽或线镜头。 This further extends the versatility of the light by allowing the user to achieve optimum lighting for any field of view, regardless of working distance. Available standard wavelength choices are white 6200 K, 470 nm blue, 530 nm green, 625 nm red, and 850 nm NIR. Smart Vision Lights’ products are EMI compliant to CE IEC and FCC standards and meet all RoHS, REACH, WEEE, and Conflict Minerals regulations.