市场上第一个基于节能MICRO COAX®技术的流形安装和功能喷射系统。通过在低进料压力下工作,并最大化压缩空气的利用率,COAX®喷射器为制造商降低能源消耗,同时提高生产率和可靠性。piCOMPACT10系列产品非常适合于对小而重的部件进行有效处理的拾取和放置操作,这在电子、半导体、塑料、金属和医疗应用中很常见。piCOMPACT10系列产品采用Piab独特的MICRO COAX®芯盒(世界上最小的多级真空喷射器),提供比同类产品多三倍的真空流量。与传统的喷射器相比,这一技术可以减少30- 50%的能源消耗,从而带来可观的可持续性效益,以及能源和成本的节约。通过提供增加的真空流量,piCOMPACT10喷射器加强产品抓斗,以提高拾取速度,减少产品损坏和减少浪费。piCOMPACT10还可以更快地将产品从吸盘释放到生产线上,从而提高效率。新的piCOMPACT10系列产品比传统的喷射器更小更轻,减少了真空处理系统的总重量。这种创新的设计允许真空系统更快地移动,以提高生产能力。为了帮助制造商在生产工厂中实现高水平的安全,piCOMPACT10真空喷射器在较低压力下使用压缩空气,同时仍然提供相同水平的性能。 This is ideal for handling products in the electronics industry where ejectors that work at low feed pressure are required and safety regulations are becoming stricter. “Vacuum ejectors today are essential components for an uncounted number of general manufacturing and automation applications across a wide range of industries, with hundreds of specific product requirements. Across the board, manufacturers are seeking improved performance together with reduced total cost of ownership while always considering their impact on the environment,” said Häla El Sheemy Washbrook, Vice President Marketing and Communication, Piab. “Energy consumption is a key consideration for manufacturers when looking to reduce costs of a complete vacuum system. Working at low pressures with efficient COAX® technology, the piCOMPACT10 range increases productivity for small product handling applications, saving money and reducing a manufacturers’ carbon footprint.” The piCOMPACT10 vacuum ejectors are available in four versions to fit with a variety of systems, including those that require very low feed pressure or extra deep vacuum levels. In addition, the compact ejectors can be easily integrated into existing production lines with no modifications required, and can be quickly configured to meet individual manufacturing needs.