piCLASSIC是Piab基于COAX®技术升级的真空泵系列。piCLASSIC泵体积小,重量轻,适用于大容量的广泛应用,比以前的同类泵具有更高的效率。在初始流量大的情况下,不需要昂贵的真空罐和真空阀,而这些通常需要在使用旋转叶片泵的高速运转的机器上使用。piCLASSIC的压缩气源是一种能源,它很容易关闭/打开,因此非常适合间歇性需要真空的操作,是一种很好的节能装置。Piab泵及配件全球产品经理Jan Schieche表示:“利用COAX®技术优势,piCLASSIC比传统的多级喷射器具有70%以上的真空流量能力。•Xi -最佳真空流,在深度真空水平下,最终真空效率约为95%。适用于无孔应用时,深真空水平是需要的。•Si -在低和中真空水平的大流量。推荐用于泄漏是一个重要因素的应用,如包装行业,以及需要有大流量的喷射器,以实现可靠的抓握、提升和移动。•Pi -低进料压力45 psi,适用于气压相对较低或波动较大的工业工厂。 There may be other pneumatic components in the machines that are sensitive to high pressure. . The piCLASSIC design features a low weight and a new modular design that allows the user to easily upgrade the pump’s performance by adding cartridges (up to a total of 6). The piCLASSIC has a number of features that are seen as huge advantages over the traditional rotary vane vacuum pumps, such as; the piCLASSIC can be installed close to the point of vacuum, thus reducing energy costs even further. There are few moving parts so virtually no cost at all for downtime, service and repair. The new design dismounts easily for cleaning. The piCLASSIC is also available with an energy-saving function for sealed systems.