Piab USA,Inc。产品
PIAB是全球工业真空技术的领导者,其P6010真空泵的推出标志着下一代真空技术的诞生。基于公司专利的COAX®多级喷射器技术,P6010提供了比传统真空泵多40%的流量,同时仍然降低了整体能耗。耐用,免维护,设计使P6010非常适合自动化材料处理和其他制造过程,在汽车,机器人,图形和包装行业。P6010采用PIAB专有的COAX技术,在极低的进料压力下提供强大、静音和无热量产生的吸力。此外,紧凑的尺寸使泵可以安装在更接近吸入点的地方,从而减少压缩空气的需求,节约能源。P6010采用模块化结构,尺寸为2.8 x 2.9 x 8.25英寸。,可以方便地将多个单元安装在一起,以及安装选项和附件的灵活连接。该泵的喷射器外壳由阳极氧化铝制成,以承受最苛刻的工业环境,整个装置的安全等级为IP65。根据特定的应用需求,用户可以从两个集成控制选项中进行选择,以确保提高生产率:PIAB巡航控制(PCC)和自动真空管理(AVM™)。PCC和AVM都提供了真空传感能力和节省能源。 The PCC offers many advantages for leak-prone materials such as paper and corrugated cardboard, while the AVM™ is ideal for handling non-leaking objects such as sheet metal, plastic or glass. Specially designed for material handling applications in the packaging and graphics industries, the PCC automatically maintains a pre-set level of vacuum to ensure a consistent and reliable vacuum level is provided at the suction point. PIAB’s PCC feature is reliable during fluctuations in vacuum pressure, caused by product variations or changes in cycle time, because it eliminates the risk of dropping objects. Additionally, because PCC decreases air consumption, it lowers the noise level of the overall vacuum system. Working at an optimized vacuum level also reduces physical wear and tear on machinery components and lowers the need for spare part repairs and overall maintenance costs. The AVM increases efficiency for manufacturers in the automotive and robotics industries because it stops the air flow when the set vacuum level is achieved, saving energy while still maintaining the suction. Featuring a high-capacity blow-off function to balance vacuum pressure and reduce cycle time, the AVM reduces up to 90% of the air consumption in comparison to continuously operating systems. Both the PCC and the AVM are offered as complete packages, with valves and vacuum switches. This allows the options to be connected without further controls or monitoring equipment, reducing system design time for manufacturers.