为了帮助汽车和白色家电制造商提高生产速度和消除瓶颈,PIAB推出了DURAFLEX®摩擦杯,这是一种新的吸盘生产线,在油性和潮湿的表面上提供终极抓手。这种杯子的特殊抓握模式使操作人员能够安全可靠地移动光滑的金属物品,而不会减慢生产线的速度。PIAB (www.piab.com)是工业真空技术的创新者,它的最新产品可以帮助制造商减少产品损耗和降低报废率。PIAB的DURAFLEX®摩擦杯具有粗糙的咬合表面和锋利的咬合边缘和通道。与传统的牵引吸盘相比,这种设计创造了更大的摩擦力和更强的抓地力。随着时间的推移,由于处理含油片而产生的普通杯磨损不会降低PIAB摩擦杯的剪切力性能。增加的耐用性杯延长使用寿命的长期可靠性。PIAB公司的DURAFLEX®摩擦杯能够在加速和减速过程中,特别是在紧急停车的情况下,保持对沉重和滑片的抓地力。所有零件保持在适当的位置,以促进冲压等应用,减少报废产品和提高整体生产线的可持续性。PIAB的摩擦杯由DURAFLEX®聚氨酯制成,在紫外线照射、加热或臭氧下不会破裂或开裂,这是由橡胶化合物组成的杯的问题。 To prevent damage to the surface of thin metal sheets common in automotive and large appliance applications, PIAB’s DURAFLEX® Friction Cups feature a dual-hardness design and soft cup body. Lower vacuum force is needed to seal the cups to part surfaces for gentler handling. The soft lip of PIAB’s friction cups also molds easily to curved surfaces for less vacuum leakage and stronger grip. The cups also maintain their elastic memory and original shape for an expanded life cycle. Installing fewer cup replacements results in costs savings and reduction in waste, helping manufacturers meet their sustainability goals. Additionally, the durability and effectiveness of PIAB’s friction cups enable manufacturers to use fewer cups if production speeds allow. Manufacturers can choose from several models of PIAB DURAFLEX® Friction Cups. The BFF model is ideal for handling concave and convex surfaces while the FCF model offers increased stability for handling larger metal sheets. For products with narrow surfaces, PIAB also offers its friction cups in an oval shape. The cups operate between temperatures of 10º to 40º Celsius. “Our customers are operating in a volatile economy where increasing productivity is essential for success,” said Peter Tell, Chief Technical Officer, PIAB. “Today’s manufacturers must not only accelerate the production of quality goods, they must also reduce expenses while exercising environmental awareness. At PIAB, we are dedicated to continually developing smart-engineered technology to help companies stay ahead of the curve.”