MVfiber激光模块将机器视觉系统推向了新的高度。单模光纤减少散射激光,防止侧模,从而在三维测量、生物光子学和医疗应用中实现精确的激光投影。美国激光元件公司首席执行官Gary Hayes表示:“我们看到人们对用于机器视觉的激光模块越来越感兴趣。”“由于使用方便和价格低廉,激光的新应用正在打开大门。因此,不断提供新的特定于应用程序的模型非常重要。这是我们发挥作用的地方,也是我们希望进一步发展的地方。”稳定的激光输出MVfiber实现了出色的激光束稳定性,因为光束整形光学和主动激光部分之间的远程连接。热漂移减小到接近零,优化了电光系统的性能。当紧凑的设计和远程光束传输是关键因素时,激光模块特别适合OEM系统集成。激光部分和光学头可以单独订购,为客户设计激光投影系统提供了很高的灵活性。 FLEXPOINT® MV quality label All FLEXPOINT® MV models meet the highest quality standards and can be customized according to the requirements of the application. The MVfiber laser modules are introduced to the market at the wavelengths of 450nm and 660nm with an optical power output of up to 50mW. Standard FC/PC connectors are used. The optic head can be equipped with different beam profiles, such as homogeneous lines, lines with a Gaussian distribution, dot projections, and more than 60 different DOE optics that produce parallel lines, dot matrices, circles, and the like.