在陆地、水中或空中:激光的应用领域是无限的;然而,它们的操作能力通常不是这样的。为了防止激光受到环境的破坏,激光组件将其放置在一个可以承受所有条件的外壳中。得益于IP67防护等级,FLEXPOINT®HD激光模块不仅可以抵御沙尘暴,还可以进入一米深的水中长达30分钟。因为它们非常坚固,所以被称为重型高清激光模块。FLEXPOINT®高清模块可作为点激光器,风扇角度从10°到100°的线激光器,或风扇角度从2°到60°的十字毛激光器:用于目标,标记,或定位任务,在绝对可以想象的任何环境,他们发射520纳米或635纳米。520纳米在日光下非常明显。绿灯的主要优点是在黑色表面很明显,例如,汽车轮胎;红色激光大部分被这种表面吸收。然而,绿光明亮而清晰——所有的力量都被归类为眼睛安全。 The focusing settings allow optimal adjustment for any distance, which allows any line to stand out clearly and concisely against the background. Both a waterproof M12 power connection and a voltage supply of up to 30 VDC are, of course, part of the FLEXPOINT® HD package. This leads to an unproblematic connection thereof to any machine or switch box. For independent operation, the module can also be connected to a rechargeable battery.