LASER COMPONENTS的工业合作伙伴Holo/OR开发了一种衍射光学元件(DOE),显著加快了热镀锌金属板的激光钎焊过程。它提供了更好的熔化性能和更干净的边缘。用紫外熔融二氧化硅制备的DOE效率可达90%。它将入射光束分成三束不同直径和功率级别的光束。两根较小的剥离梁确保锌层经过预热、清洁和预处理以进行钎焊。大中心梁执行实际的钎焊过程。其能量分布均匀,保证了钎焊材料熔化均匀。到目前为止,类似的结果只能通过几种激光器或复杂的光学机械元件来实现。激光钎焊使用激光熔化钎焊材料并将两个金属部件连接在一起。与焊接过程相比,零件本身只会有最低限度的加热。 In the case of hot-dip galvanized sheets, this means that the zinc layer evaporates only in a very limited area and the sheets are hardly deformed during processing. Providing connec-tions with high mechanical stability without impairing the corrosion protection, laser brazing has become an important process in the automotive industry. On the other hand, oxides and impurities in the zinc layer of the soldered seam can cause irregularities such as splashes, pores or uneven surfaces. This effect is now prevented by the new DOE.