Eyevision 3D图像处理软件具有特殊的命令设置为扫描配置文件,以根据这些配置文件进行测量,并检查这些配置文件是否存在错误。由于它是3D轮廓,这意味着该点不仅捕获在其x和y方向上,而且在z方向上的位置。因此,除了轮廓图像之外,扫描还可以生成点云图像。对于此任务,需要激光三角测量或立体视觉传感器。激光线扫描物体,相机拍摄激光线的图像,并发出曲线。轮廓测量对于生产过程中的各种不同应用对于各种不同应用非常重要。扫描焊缝时,可以检查接缝中是否存在缺陷,例如例如,例如,如图所示。裂缝,孔,夹杂物,缺乏融合,不完全穿透,尺寸或形状的偏差等。也是粘合剂珠子的质量检查是3D突敏纳的应用。在应用胶水时,重要的是检查应用程序是否恒定,并且没有孔。无瑕疵的粘合剂珠在各种行业中必不可少,例如汽车或电子行业。 A quality management during the production process is one of the crucial economy factors in the automated series production. The laser line captures the glue bead and the EyeVision 3D software calculates from these dimensions the width, height and area of the adhesive bead. Additionally the ProfileScanner can determine the angle from a triangular object. And also the depths and widths of gaps can be determined with the ProfileScanner. Also the EyeVision 3D software has various commands for evaluating and measuring in profiles as well as point clouds. The graphical user interface is easy to handle and the drag-and-drop function does allow the creation of inspection programs without programming skills.