Pharmacode是一个7位数字代码,用于明确识别药物专业和其他产品。Pharmacode可以仅代表3到13107070的单个整数。制药行业使用该代码作为包装控制系统,以防止混合或其他错误,有时也只是为了检查指令传单是否存在。该产品上的各个代码的识别仅仅是对控制和监测过程的开始与眼睛PCR。Pharmacode技术上不是真正的条形码,至少不是我们认为条形码。虽然它确实编码与UPC类似的数字数据,但它没有开始停止模式。因此,药驰仅在一个方向上扫描。扫描左右将获得不同的数量,而不是扫描到左侧。凭借Eyevision软件的准确性和眼睛系列的效率,即使在缺乏缺乏的码印刷质量,也会给出高读数速度,而低读数错误。与条形码不同,可以在各种各样的颜色中印刷药码,其旨在用激光或激光仿真光源读取。在以下步骤中,可以扩展视觉传感器以检查质量特征,例如:是存在的到期日期吗? Is the label at the correct position? Is the instruction leaflet included? The EyeSens PCR consists of a combination of a compact hardware and a software, which was especially developed for such applications. The software commands are based on the EyeVision image processing software. The vision sensor is available with already integrated lens and illumination or else with C-Mount connection, where the user can choose their own individual lens. The EyeSens series is available in different resolutions (736 x 480, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 1024 pixel).