EVT Eye Vision Technology GmbH产品
眼部刮擦检查员在生产过程中检查玻璃瓶的磨损(磨损)。超过阈值的瓶子被排出。检测磨损环,因为玻璃瓶的真正问题是所谓的“磨损环”。那些乳白色的环在瓶子的边缘上发生,当它们在传送带上碰到时。在进步中,在表面上发生微划痕,这不会损害瓶子的功能,但不要看起来不起作用。玻璃瓶的循环时间通过不同的特性定义。首先,将自动检查瓶子。分拣的标准是:口件上的损坏不可清洗污染(例如,异物)刮擦程度(扫描;划痕,擦洗标记,其他表面损坏)划痕检查员检查瓶子边缘的磨损。一旦瓶子超过磨损程度,就发出了用于放电的信号。集成到Tracker-System系统可作为紧凑型单元可用,所有组件都可以快速集成到机器中。 It can be integrated into an existing tracker system. The interface adaption is very easy and already adjusted to the different machines. If there is still no tracker board integrated, an EyeTrack board can be used. It was especially developed to monitor the delay between the inspection signal and the discharger and to guarantee that in the channel of the good parts are only inspected products. The system can either be connected to an encoder or a facility trigger and issue either an inspectin trigger or the discharger trigger. The delay between inspection position and the discharge is set on the user interface.