除了检查针脚的正确位置外,EyeScan AT 3D传感器-连同EyeVision图像处理软件-还可以检查球网格阵列上的球的无缺性和位置。BGAs的连接器可以通过3D传感器检测各种特性,精度可达微米(µm)。通过EyeScan AT的激光三角测量方法,可以检测出球栅阵列的故障球。多亏了scheimpflug投影,激光线在组件的表面保持聚焦和无畸变。这也意味着即使在高速应用中,由于大镜头和短光圈时间,捕获的图像也有高分辨率。而且镜头是高端质量,因此不需要进行镜头失真校正。BGA的每一个凸起都被检查其大小和形状,以达到微米精度。为了解决这个问题,EyeScan AT使用了三维测量中最流行的技术——激光线测量(或激光三角测量)。三维激光投影是基于三角测量原理的。这意味着相机观察一条激光线,这条激光线被投影到组件上(在本例中是BGA),并从激光线剖面计算高度信息。 Thanks to the 20.000 profiles per second and due to the new blue laser, even the most complexe components and surfaces can be captured with a detailed resolution. The extremely fast scans are possible because of the even shorter aperture time. Also with laser class 3 and the preprocessing of the captured data with the integrated FPGA, the EyeScan AT 3D is gaining on speed. Additionally the High Dynamic Range with threefold exposure allows to inspect bright and dark objects in the same scan, without loosing speed.