
Harrier 10x af -变焦相机与3G-SDI输出

模型: - cib - 3 - gsdi - 002 - 10 -铲运机


图像鹞10x af -变焦相机与3G-SDI输出 - Compact 3G-SDI/HD-SDI相机解决方案。- 10倍光学变焦和32倍数码变焦。- 1/3型2MP松下渐进扫描CMOS传感器。-支持1080p - 60/50/30 fps, 720p - 60/50/30 fps。- HD-VLC™输出模式,适用于长电缆长度应用。- TTL/RS-232串行VISCA, Pelco - D/P控制协议。-视频模式选择开关和内置测试模式。-在720p50/59.94/60模式下,同时模拟(PAL/NTSC)。鹞10x af -变焦相机与3G-SDI输出是一个紧凑的,低功耗的相机选择实时3G-SDI视频输出和10倍光学变焦。配备了一个200万松下渐进扫描CMOS传感器,摄像头还提供同步模拟输出的标准定义(SD)视频,并支持HD-VLC™输出模式的长电缆长度的应用。 The Harrier 10x AF-Zoom Camera 3G-SDI measures only 56 x 45.5 x 61.4mm with a weight of 152g. It offers SMPTE 274M and SMPTE 296M compliant video output up to 1080p60 Full HD. Sophisticated camera features include Real-time True Wide Dynamic Range (WDR), Day & Night mode – Infrared Cut filter Removal (ICR), Digital Noise Reduction (2D + 3D DNR) and Digital Image Stabilization. The camera can be controlled using VISCA protocol serial communications over TTL, RS-232 and RS-485, or using Pelco – D/P control protocol. DIP switch settings control the selection of serial communication protocol, HD-VLC output and camera video output mode on power-up. The Harrier 10x AF-Zoom Camera is also available with USB and/or HDMI output instead of 3G-SDI.

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