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Member Since 2021








首先,什么是“ AS-A-Service”模型,为什么它们会越来越受欢迎?

“ AS-A-Service”模型由a good or service being made available “as needed” (this could be monthly pricing or usage based pricing). Upfront costs are usually negligible or non-existent.合同的长度灵活,使用户只能在需要时利用商品或服务。在整个合同期间,该业务承担着维修和升级的责任。

这se models have exploded in popularity due to the instant flexibility, scalability, risk reduction, and cost-savings that they enable, particularly in this era of unprecedented uncertainty and rapidity of change.

“ AS-A-Service”业务模型正在迅速获得许多垂直领域的吸引力。这是一个well-documented trend在软件空间中;现在,软件即服务(SaaS)是行业规范,比在90年代主导该行业的本地解决方案更为普遍。这种趋势不仅限于软件。根据福雷斯特的说法企业应准备与“任何服务”竞争。

Flexible financing programs, such as leases, have existed in the robotics industry for a long time. However, those models only relieve a portion of the complexity of a true “robotics-as-a-service” offering.

这flexibility and scalability of “as-a-service” has the potential to change the way manufacturers operate. That is why we built Formic.

So what does a complete “robotics-as-a-service” model look like?

制造商知道这一点部署机器人技术不仅需要购买机器并将其放在工厂地板上。Every application has a unique task to execute within a specific process. The fun (and challenging!) aspect of this specificity is the considerable amount of work that goes into application design and engineering before a robot is ever procured and deployedIt is also important to consider the hard costs of both the robotics and ancillary components like grippers and sensors.

At Formic, we take all of the components of an application deployment, and bundle them together into a single hourly rate, which typically amounts to 42% less than companies pay today in their operating expenses.



Here is a diagram that shows how Formic’s “robotics-as-a-service” model differs from the traditional fragmented approach of deploying automation. Our model offers “one hand to shake” simplicity.

We typically see companies run into one or more of five barriers to entry with purchasing robots upfront:

  • 时间:部署的供应商选择和项目管理可能非常耗时,许多最终用户根本没有时间执行
  • Capital:Large upfront CapEx investments are expensive and slow to budget for
  • 专业知识:缺乏内部专业知识可能使公司难以知道从哪里开始,自动化的成本以及哪些供应商与哪些供应商合作
  • Inflexibility:高高的资本支出投资很难证明对长期生产要求的任何不确定性水平。即使在4年期间内进行更改的可能性也可能引入严重的重新利用成本的严重风险,或者更糟糕的是,昂贵的机器人坐着闲置
  • Risk and Unforeseen Expenses:自动化部署可能会带来风险和一系列难以预测的成本,从小到灾难性

Formic’s model消除了所有五个进入障碍。我们使部署自动化快速,负担得起,可访问各个层次的知识,灵活且无风险。


要了解有关哪些类型的应用程序最适合自动化的更多信息,请阅读this post来自我们的机器人和联合创始人副总裁Misa Ilkhechi。

If you’re interested in learning more about Formic’s “robot-as-a-service” model, pleaseclick this link取得联系,并follow us on LinkedIn!