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Weekly Bot Brief Newsletter on Robotics 5/1/2020

POSTED 05/03/2020

Bot Index vs. S &P 500, 5-1-2020“地球上没有比那个时代已经到来的想法更强大的力量。”-维克多·雨果

Bots in The News:


Accuray Inc。led the gainers with a spectacular 24.32% increase. The low- priced stock gained after reporting a 3 cent increase in the third quarter versus a 1 cent loss in the comparable 2019 period. Two Asiane stocks followedAccurayinto the double-digit zone, withHiwin Technologiesrising 21% andFanucup 11.29%. Rounding out the better performers for the week included:Yaskawa Electric(+8.42%),尼奥Limited(+8.16%),iRobot(+7.78%),Cognex Corp。(+7.39%),AeroVironment(+6.38%),Faro Tech(+6%) andABB Ltd。(+5.63%).尼奥gained following indications that it had secured $1 billion in funding from several economic-development entities of the Chinese government.Faro’s quarter earnings loss of 2 cents compared with Wall Street consensus of a 72 cent loss. The earnings were the third in the past four quarters in which the report exceeded expectations. WhileiRobot季度损失为64美分,比分析师预测的67美分损失要好得多。该公司的收入低于2019年,但仍高于预期。Cognex公司。加入了获得者组12美分的收益for the quarter compared favorably with the 8 cents that was expected by the Street. Finally,ABB Ltd。报告的收益导致Zachs Research向股票发出新的“买入”建议。该股票的安全4.15%的收益率还使其对许多固定收益投资收益率低或不存在的投资者有吸引力。

The effects of the coronavirus were particularly harmful to the weeks performance of the three major decliners:Amazon,Ekso2020 Bot Index vs. S & P 500, 12-31- 2019 to 5-1-2020BionicsOceaneering InternationalEksoreported a disastrous slide in both earnings and revenues as hospitals restricted elective surgeries and procedures which are required in much ofEkso的产品线。同样,Oceaneering Internationaldropped 6.73% as investors anticipate a weak quarter when the company reports next Wednesday as oil prices suffered due to the pandemic. As forAmazon,分析师对第一季度收益6.25美元的期望远高于报道的5.01美元。此外,杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)指出,该公司将在第二季度将所有预期的40亿美元的营业利润用于与冠状病毒相关的费用。股票下跌了5%。


机器人简介是为经济学家,投资专家,记者和院士设计的每周一次新闻通讯。它不会获得任何可能不时推出的公司的报酬,其评论,分析,观点和研究代表了Balcones Investment Research,LLC的主观观点。由于主题的复杂和快速变化的性质,公司对所介绍的材料的绝对准确性没有保证。