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BALCONES Investment Research庆祝其在A3网站上的第200次放置机器人摘要


尽管有内部的湍流,但机器人指数和标准&POORS 500都会每周产生良性的表演。由于其组件都没有达到两位数的正或负面结果,因此BOT指数的每周计数仅是19个基点。30个组件中有五个收益超过3%,报告的增长最大。Northrup Grumman。该股票在投资者每天的业务题为“您还不能购买SpaceX的文章,但是这些太空股票可以抢购。”该功能指出,该公司在2018年购买火箭制造商轨道ATK之后出现了机会。

Oceaneering International由于石油价格上涨高达80美元的WTI,最近继续攀升了3.76%。自2020年12月31日以来,公司的实力几乎翻了一番,导致Zacks在一份研究报告中刊登了股票,标题为“最高的势头股票将于10月4日购买Th。”

紧随OII的表现紧随其后的股票雷神技术increased 3.59%. The company was awarded a $358 million Navy contract which prompted Jim Cramer’s The Street.com to announce, “Buckle Up, Raytheon Technologies is Ready for Takeoff.

机器人中的主要偏销者是几家日本公司,他们继续表现不佳。OMRON Corp。和Fanuc Corp。fell 5.69% and 8.16% respectively.

Other losers included3D Systems(-3.87%),Accuray Inc。(-3.94%),Teledyne(-3.28%)和Brooks自动化(-3.75%)。

Howdy Tesla;专利能力:

上周,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)宣布特斯拉将把公司总部搬到奥斯汀(Balcones Investment Research在这里维护其德克萨斯州的办公室),这并不奇怪。此举涉及马斯克先生的个人决定,但确实跟随了最近离开的加利福尼亚州,例如Oracle和Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co.。

在2021年9月的发行中美国经济审查见解,in an article by Professor Bryan Kelly (Yale), Dimitris Papanikolaou (Kellogg), Amit Seru (Stanford) and Matt Taddy (Amazon) entitled “Measuring Technological Innovation over the Long Run” the authors analyzed the impact of patents on technological breakthroughs that produced a significant consequential impact upon the economy as a whole. Looking back to the 1880’s to current times, the authors reviewed thenatureof patents and their impact upon future patents. They began their tome with, “Over the last two centuries, real output per capita in the U.S has increased substantially more than the growth of inputs to production, such as the number of hours worked, or the amount of capital used. Thus, much of economic growth is attributed to improvements in productivity.” Their analysis noted the impact of breakthrough patents that created three major technological waves over the past hundred years. In their analysis they uncovered the total patents per capita at .7 per thousands of populations in 2010, is more than double the level of 1980. This might lead to the concept of future increases in productivity.

Chris Rowane二十年前我们的朋友former fund manager at the Huntington Funds, began to monitor and score the amount of patent approvals granted to various companies in the Mid-Cap universe. His theory, not unlike the findings of Kelly et al, was that certain companies patents could provide some ‘breakthrough’ technological advances and thus a competitive advantage. His fund performed well and grew to over $100 million within a few years. Certainly, there is a degree of investment relevancy in the analysis of companies and their patent approvals

Member: American Economic Association, Society of Professional Journalists, United States Press Association. Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts, Robotic Industries Association, Member IEEE.

机器人简介是为经济学家,投资专家,记者和院士设计的每周一次新闻通讯。它没有获得任何可能不时介绍的公司的报酬,其评论,分析,观点和研究代表了Balcones Investment Research,LLC的主观观点。由于主题的复杂和快速变化的性质,公司对所介绍的材料的绝对准确性没有保证。