wilsen .sonic.液位传感器系统提供了一种解决方案,可以远程监控和管理容器、储罐和筒仓的液位。
Wilsen.sonic。目前,倍加福已经开发出一种传感器概念,适用于各种不同的无线网络。例如,有一个产品版本为公共移动网络提供GSM(2G)接口。该产品的另一个版本具有LoRaWAN接口,用于使用私人运营的低功耗无线网络。所有这些无线电接口都用于向互联网传输传感器数据。根据所选择的无线标准,可以在互联网上为传入的传感器数据提供一个适当的远程位置。例如,LoRaWAN设备可以将它们的遥测数据发送到任何LoRa网络运营商的网络和应用服务器。当使用公共GSM移动无线标准时,威尔逊。服务中间件作为一个安全的远程位置,接收和转发来自传感器的遥测数据。威尔逊的系统概念。service not only handles the decoding and the targeted forwarding of the sensor data, but also offers secure and convenient device management. This is particularly advantageous if a large number of IoT sensors will be used in later practical operation and if logging into the wireless network and assigning the right users needs to be as automated as possible. Furthermore, Wilsen device management enables automated application parameterization of IoT sensors and a structured roll-out for software updates to ensure that even large numbers of IoT sensors in the field are kept up to date. The WILSEN concept provides a modular IoT system to which individual components such as sensor modules, network nodes, middleware, and data processing can be added.