


Universal Robots is the market leader in collaborative robots, having sold over 50,000 cobots. Since introducing the world’s first commercially viable cobot in 2008, UR has developed a product portfolio including the UR3, UR5, UR10, and UR16, reflecting each cobot’s payload in kg. Each model is supported by a host of plug-&-play end effectors, software, kits and accessories in the UR+ certification program, allowing for flexible redeployment of one robot into several diverse applications. Universal Robots is automating every manufacturing industry thanks to its quick setup and intuitive programming that allows frontline workers to become cobot operators and programmers. Headquartered in Odense, Denmark, UR operates out of US offices in Ann Arbor, Michigan, New York, Dallas, Texas, and Irvine, California.

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Universal Robots Takes Cobot Welding to the Next Level at FABTECH 2021


Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 18, 2021:Fabtech 2017是一个里程碑一年,作为第一个基于的焊接系统通用机器人(UR)threw sparks at the show and officially entered the market. Flash forward to 2021, and UR cobot-powered systems are mainstream at FABTECH with numerous OEMs and UR+ partners actively selling MIG, TIG and plasma welding and cutting solutions, making it one of the fastest growing market for UR cobots

“ 40年来,机器人弧焊接逐渐发展,”环球机器人应用程序开发和战略营销高级经理乔·坎贝尔(Joe Campbell)说。他补充说:“自引入DC伺服动力机器人以来,协作弧焊接是第一个打击机器人电弧焊接市场的破坏性技术。”数量生产以及配备焊机易于部署的事实,快速生产具有提高质量和一致性的零件。

9月13日至16日,芝加哥Fabtech的访客将在整个演出中找到20多个摊位的旗舰蓝色配乐FABTECH booth B-17012.

“We show attendees how easy it is to program a Universal Robot for fabricating applications – and we’ll hand out show maps featuring our partners exhibiting welding, cutting, grinding, press brake and machine loading solutions and components that exemplify this,” says Campbell, who is also hosting several innovative solutions in UR’s own booth, including Hirebotics’ new配备焊工, a complete, user-friendly cobot welding system that enables painless automated MIG welding deployments. Using the ingeniously simple Cobot Welder cellphone application that runs on Hirebotics’ cloud-basedBeacon软件平台,FabTech的参与者将体验动手教授新零件和焊缝的容易性。

现在,随着Vectis Automation成为北美的第一个开发基于水冷的柯比特焊接系统的合作伙伴,重型焊缝现在可以与柯博特配备焊接工具. Showcased at FABTECH, the Cobot Welding Tool now comes with MultiPass Software Feature and ArcPilot™ Through-The-Arc Seam Tracking. The solution is now not only compatible with Miller welding equipment but can be integrated with Lincoln and Fronius welding equipment too.

Vectis Automation还开创了使用UR Roobot进行硬化的使用,这是金属加工过程,该工艺将更硬或更坚固的材料应用于倒数金属。At Vectis’ own FABTECH booth B17054, the company will debut new UR cobot powered plasma cutting as well, featuring Vectis’ Cobot Cutting Tool with Hypertherm PowerMax able to perform complex cuts on 3D shapes and large structures for a fraction of the cost of a tube laser.

The UR booths also hosts new solutions for automated machine tending, featuring the newVersaBuilt CNC Mill Application Kit对于寻求CNC铣削自动化方法的制造商。Versubuilt的UR+应用程序套件带有所有组件的所有组件,并设计为成功获得CNC磨坊和UR10E Cobot一起工作,从而使零件的加载和卸载自动化到磨机中。Versubuilt套件不需要易于使用的自动化软件的编程体验,该软件使机械师可以简单地输入零件尺寸和CNC铣削程序编号来启动并运行应用程序。

Flexible Machine Loading for Unstructured Parts, More Payload with Longer Reach
FABTECH attendees looking for flexible, intelligent machine loading solutions for unstructured parts in bins, will be intrigued by Universal Robots’ActiNav™;在UR展位上展示的一个新系统,将智能视觉和实时自动运动控制与通用机器人的电子系列配件相结合。在ACTINAV之前,将零件拾取和放置在机器中的解决方案仅专注于视觉方面,通常需要复杂的编程来弥合从“选择”到“地点”的差距,尤其是如果“地点”不仅仅是落入一个框但准确地将零件插入固定装置以进行进一步处理。

ActiNav changes all that, combining real-time autonomous motion control, UR cobots, vision and sensor systems in one seamless应用套件机,解决了本选择挑战tending applications. At FABTECH, ActiNav will pick metal parts randomly jumbled in bins and correctly insert them into a machine. Powering ActiNav is theUr最畅销的UR10E的新增强版本Cobot现在具有25%的有效负载能力,能够提高12.5kg(27.55磅),从而为客户提供令人兴奋的新部署功能。

下载通用机器人Fabtech 2021按套件:Here
