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Seegrid combines autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), enterprise software, and best-in-class services for a complete, connected material handling solution for the world's largest manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics companies.

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seegrid在Modex 2022上揭开新的自动升降机卡车


Seegrid Palion Lift将在行业最大的贸易展览会上首次亮相

Seegrid Corporation,自动移动机器人(AMRS)用于材料处理的负责人,今天宣布将展示其最新的自动升降机卡车Seegrid PalionTMLift, for the first time at MODEX, the world’s largest manufacturing and supply chain trade event. From March 28 to March 31, 2022 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, MODEX attendees will be able to observe autonomous demonstrations ofSeegrid Palion Lift与其他Seegrid IQ驱动的自动化车辆协同合作,与Seegrid的Fleet Central Enterprise Software Suite互动,并与该公司的顶级材料处理自动化专家会面。

In Seegrid’sbooth, MODEX attendees will see firsthand how the company’s next-generation autonomy technology, Seegrid IQ, offers enhanced perception and humanlike awareness, enabling AMRs to reliably and safely transport goods across busy factories and dynamic warehouses. Recently命名通过交互分析,Seegrid Robot模型将在美国#1自动移动机器人提供商,将证明其自动编排材料移动,拾取和位置,建造和耗尽托盘车道以及其他免提工作流程的能力。

“Under intense pressure to move material more efficiently and safely, with reduced labor, logistics, ecommerce, and manufacturing companies are looking for next level automation–now,” said David Griffin, Seegrid’s Chief Sales Officer. “We’re excited to debut our first lift truck AMR at MODEX and showcase how Seegrid empowers customers to address today’s complexities and gain a competitive edge.”

与Seegrid IQ驱动的机器人一起,现场演示还将展示该公司的企业软件套件,Fleet Central,为摊位访问者提供了使用Soperisor Fleet Management软件监视AMR的机会,并通过数据驱动的Insights通过数据驱动的Insights从舰队极客analytics software.

Continuing on the theme of rapidly achieving results and return on investment with mobile automation, Seegrid’s Vice President of Product Jeff Christensen will present an educationalseminartitled, “Predictability in an Unpredictable World: Low Risk, Flexible Automation Strategies to Create Value Today and Future-Proof Your Tomorrow.” Attendees will learn low-risk strategies to quickly put mobile automation into action.

“Now more than ever, material handling automation solutions are a necessity for businesses across the supply chain to increase safety, overcome complex challenges, and continuously improve,” said Christensen. “Seegrid is deeply committed to delivering automation solutions aimed at optimizing operations and helping our customers achieve their goals.”


Seegrid结合自动移动机器人,企业软件和一流的服务,以提供完整的连接材料处理自动化解决方案。Seagrid Palion拥有数百万个自动生产英里驱动器和零人事安全事件TMAMRs are reliable, flexible, and proven. The world’s largest manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics companies rely on Seegrid to automate material flow in highly complex environments. From project design through deployment, change management, user training, and data-driven consultation, material flow is both safe and optimized, accelerating automation initiatives today and into the future.

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