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seagridcombines autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), enterprise software, and best-in-class services for a complete, connected material handling solution for the world's largest manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics companies.

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Seagrid命名为世界上最具创新性的机器人公司,由Fast Company

POSTED 03/08/2022

Leading Autonomous Mobile Robot Provider Recognized for Transforming the Global Supply Chain with Intelligent Automation Solutions

seagridCorporation,用于物料处理的自动移动机器人(AMR)的负责人已被命名为快速公司’s prestigious list of the世界上最具创新性的公司2022年,将#4全球放在机器人类别。该出版物汇集了年度清单,以纪念在当今不断变化的世界中蓬勃发展的企业,并对其行业和文化产生最大的影响。为世界上最大的制造业,电子商务和物流品牌服务,Seegrid得到了认可快速公司for its industry-defining approach to delivering complete, connected material handling automation solutions.

Seegrid的创新自治技术,Seegrid IQ,将来自相机,LIDAR和机器学习模型的数据与公司专有的3D计算机视觉系统融合在一起。该专有技术收集了高密度的信息,然后将数据确定并过滤数据,以使移动机器人对工业环境有类似人类的理解。SeeGrid IQ使Seagrid Palion™AMR模型可以安全地移动数千磅的材料,同时与人一起合作。

“I am incredibly proud of Seegrid’s collective ability to solve complex material handling challenges,” said Jim Rock, Chief Executive Officer at Seegrid. “We’re committed to delivering mobile automation solutions that safely bring transformational change to the world’s supply chain.”

快速公司’s editors sought out the most groundbreaking businesses across the globe and industries. In the last year, Seegrid introduced three new AMR models, launched Fleet Geek™ analytics software, and invested millions into new equipment and tools to help drive its research and development initiatives. Seegrid earned recognition as the#1 AMR provider in the USand #1 market leader in tow tractor AMRs worldwide from Interact Analysis, an international market research authority for the supply chain automation industry. The company’s Palion AMR fleet has driven seven million autonomous miles in customer production environments without a single safety incident.

快速公司selects businesses who are creating the future today with some of the most inspiring accomplishments of the 21st century. Of this same mindset, Seegrid continuously advances its breakthrough robotics technology pioneered by world-renowned roboticist Dr. Hans Moravec, the company’s founder and Chief Roboticist.Blue Labs, a dedicated in-house research group of world-class automation experts, many with Ph.D. level expertise in robotics and computer vision systems, is solely focused on the rapid advancement of mobile automation technologies. One such advancement includes the company’s first autonomous lift truck,Seagrid Palion Lift AMR,将于本月在本月揭幕modex, the largest manufacturing and supply chain trade event.

As part of its commitment to ensuring all customers realize the full benefits of automation, Seegrid offers its customers options to purchase equipment outright, as well as various leasing and subscription models.

“The world’s most innovative companies play an essential role in addressing the most pressing issues facing society, whether they’re fighting climate change by spurring decarbonization efforts, ameliorating the strain on supply chains, or helping us reconnect with one another over shared passions,” said快速公司副编辑戴维·利德斯基(David Lidsky)。


快速公司是唯一完全致力于业务,创新和设计至关重要的媒体品牌,吸引最有影响力的领导者,公司和思想家就商业的未来。总部位于纽约市快速公司由Mansueto Ventures LLC和我们的姐妹出版公司发行,可以在网上在网上找到


seagridcombines autonomous mobile robots, enterprise software, and best-in-class services for a complete, connected material handling automation solution. With millions of autonomous production miles driven and zero personnel safety incidents, Seegrid PalionTMAMRs are reliable, flexible, and proven. The world’s largest manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics companies rely on Seegrid to automate material flow in highly complex environments. From project design through deployment, change management, user training, and data-driven consultation, material flow is both safe and optimized, accelerating automation initiatives today and into the future.

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