






RE2机器人技术and PickNik Robotics Enter Strategic Partnership to Accelerate Development of Autonomous Robotic Systems


High Demand for RE2 Sapien and RE2 Sapien Sea Class Intelligent Robotic Arms Prompts Partnership

宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡和博尔德,RE2机器人技术,智能移动操纵系统的领先开发商,PickNik Robotics是机器人软件和工程服务领域的领导者,今天宣布了一种战略合作伙伴关系,以使用Picknik的MoveIt™Studio软件来加速RE2自动驾驶机器人系统的开发。

This partnership formalizes RE2 Robotics’ long-standing, mutually beneficial, relationship with PickNik Robotics and helps both companies continue to lead in their respective market spaces. RE2 uses MoveIt Studio, PickNik’s motion-planning software, to speed the integration of its RE2 Sapien™ and RE2 Sapien Sea Class intelligent robotic arms for new applications across multiple markets. MoveIt Studio provides state-of-the-art motion planning software with an intuitive user interface that allows robot operators to remotely manage complex robotic arms using supervised autonomy.

“At a rapid rate, businesses in the construction, aviation, and energy industries are turning to robotics to increase productivity and enhance worker safety as they continue to adjust to the challenges that are being presented by both widespread labor shortages and the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Jorgen Pedersen, president and CEO of RE2 Robotics. “As the market demand for our technology continues to soar, formally partnering with PickNik Robotics allows us to focus on our computer vision and autonomy algorithms, RE2 Detect™ and RE2 Intellect™, knowing that we have a trusted solution for motion planning.”

Picknik Robotics首席执行官Dave Coleman博士说:“使用Moveit Studio软件,RE2机器人技术等公司可以加快其机器人ARM应用程序中复杂的运动计划的发展。”“ RE2机器人武器的功能以及他们正在处理的各种应用程序的功能给我们留下了深刻的印象。与他们合作,带来了我们的高级软件和专业知识,这是令人兴奋的,以帮助他们满足对技术的高需求。”

Moveit Studio基于Picknik Robotics的开源Moveit 2平台,这是通过机器人操作系统(ROS 2)进行机器人ARM控制的行业标准。RE2 Robotics使用MoveIt Studio进行高级轨迹计划和避免碰撞来增强其RE2 Dindect™计算机视觉软件和RE2 Invicess™自治软件。

RE2 Robotics计算机视觉和自治公司主管Amanda Sgroi博士说:“ Picknik Robotics对机器人软件的深入了解一直是我们自主系统开发的宝贵组成部分。”“ Moveit Studio使我们能够以高效的水平优化移动操纵器的运动计划,以组合精细的操纵任务和大型开放空间。”

About RE2 Robotics
RE2机器人技术provides the RE2 Sapien™ family of robotic arms, RE2 Detect™ computer vision software, and RE2 Intellect™ autonomy software to enable intelligent mobile manipulation systems that operate in a variety of complex indoor and outdoor environments. RE2’s systems help companies in the aviation, construction, defense, energy, and medical industries to enable remote operations, improve worker productivity and safety, and reduce operational costs. Visitwww.resquared.comto learn more about our company, our people, and our robotic technologies.

About PickNik Robotics

Picknik Robotics可以帮助公司解决与高级机器人应用程序开发相关的技术,成本和时间挑战。NASA,Google,Amazon,Samsung等主要机器人组织与Picknik合作开发了机器人应用程序。Picknik还支持并与全球开源机器人机芯合作,并且是Moveit的主要开发商。Picknik成立于2015年,总部位于公司。www.picknik.ai


For more information, media and bloggers only:

詹妮弗·布罗扎克(Jennifer Brozak),RE2机器人技术

加比·亚当, for PickNik Robotics