Motion Controls Robotics, Inc. Logo

Member Since 2005


Since 1995 Motion Controls Robotics, Inc (MCRI) has supplied the highest quality robotic automation systems to a variety of industries. Building on that background experience, MCRI integrates robot systems to supply complete end-of-line applications, fulfillment solutions, and general material handling automation that include Industry 4.0 connectivity op

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Motion Controls Robotics宣布扩展到其俄亥俄州弗里蒙特的设施

POSTED 12/15/2014

FREMONT, OH - Motion Controls Robotics, Inc. (MCRI) is in the process of expanding their current 57,000 square feet facility located in Fremont, Ohio. MCRI is a FANUC Authorized Integrator of robotic systems to the food & beverage, plastics, building & construction materials, converting, manufacturing and board & sheet goods industries. The need for innovative automation solutions is growing at record rates. According to the Robotic Industries Association (RIA), there has been a 35% increase in theMotion Controls Robotics宣布扩展到其俄亥俄州弗里蒙特的设施number of robots sold in the last 9 months as compared to the same period in 2013. RIA estimates that there are currently 230,000 robots automating manufacturing and material handling process in facilities across America.

Motion Controls机器人技术与2014年的销售和招聘增长与强劲的增长相似。为了跟上客户需求,MCRI正在为其设施增加4000平方英尺的补充。此增加将使运动控制机器人能为新员工腾出空间,并继续为客户开发和维修机器人系统。

w扩张ill not only include extra office space, but areas for a new machining center, clean room robot service and refurbishment area, and an additional conference room for customer and employee meetings including time saving and customer friendly media tools.

Scott Lang, company President, stated that “The primary goal for the expansion project and for the additional hiring we are doing is to ensure continuous improvement in on-time delivery performance and product quality for our customers.”

w扩张ill be complete in March of 2015 in time for Motion Controls Robotics to celebrate their 20th anniversary in the robotics industry.

About Motion Controls Robotics- 成立于1995年,Motion Controls Robotics是制造业自动化解决方案的领先提供商。该公司提供从概念到安装和服务/支持的全方位服务机器人解决方案,使制造商保持竞争力。Motion Controls机器人技术为财富500强和中小型公司创建解决方案,用于食品和饮料,塑料,建筑和建筑材料,转换,制造,制造和董事会和板厂商品行业。他们还可以自动化小型生产商店和机械仓库。Motion Controls机器人技术为制造商提供了各种应用程序的自动化解决方案,包括材料处理(盒装,托盘和机器趋势)和视觉引导的系统。Motion Controls Robotics是Fanuc Robotics的独家级别4级认证的服务集成商,并且是Daifuku Webb的SmartCart自动引导购物车增值转售商(VAR)。

Motion Controls Robotics’ northwest Ohio headquarters is located at 1500 Walter Avenue, Fremont, Ohio.

Media Contact:
Nicole Busenbark
419-334-5886 ext. 259