Microscan, the number-one brand of embedded clinical barcode readers and leading innovator of machine vision solutions for the life sciences, announces that it will demonstrate MicroHAWK®, the world’s smallest enclosed imaging devices for barcode reading and machine vision for clinical instruments from Booth #1260 at the 2016 AACC Clinical Lab Expo, August 2-4 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
今天投资灵活的设备,提供专业人士,以满足明天的挑战。超过三十年,Microscan继续在Life Science和OEM应用程序中的最大组件寿命中设置基准,可配置性和性能。该重点在全球临床诊断仪器应用中的嵌入式成像装置Microscan成为嵌入式成像装置的领导者。拥有超过一百万的产品销售,100多项技术专利,30多个国家的300个合作伙伴,以及最可靠,易于升级的设备,以最小的规模,Microscan在临床自动化世界变化的世界中负责。
MicroScan成像设备允许制造商和OEM升级临床乐器,如果需要在未来的需要更改,则在不替换组件或系统的情况下读取条形码读数。从MicroHawk®,世界上最小的机器视觉智能相机到最高速嵌入式激光条码扫描仪MS-3,Microscan提供强大的微型技术,以满足OEM对不同应用的需求。MicroHawk家族包括全集成的成像引擎和三个工业额定的微型成像器,具有无与伦比的灵活性,易用性和通用应用潜力。制造商可以轻松嵌入这些成像组件,以自动化样本和试剂识别和跟踪,管帽的存在和缺失,帽类型和颜色识别,尺寸测量,尺寸测量,如管高度和直径,自动对准和机器人指导,以及FDA UDI合规性验证在其交钥匙设备和仪器中。
在临床实验室博览会上,MicroScan将演示Microhawk®如何从Mini到Micro到Micro的临床自动化组件。现在,Microscan的全系列机器视觉工具添加到超紧凑的微宏平台,Microscan已发布全球最小的全集成机器视觉系统。Paired with Microscan’s browser-based WebLink UI, simplified AutoVISION® Machine Vision Software, or the advanced Visionscape® Machine Vision Software, MicroHAWK Smart Cameras (MV-20, MV-30, and MV-40) expand the concept of industrial imaging from barcode imaging alone to the universal imaging of any code, text, or part feature to accomplish any automation task based on visible data. These new cameras are leading the industry for flexibility in the most space-constrained installations, with selectable optics, sensor, lighting, and software in any unique device size and enclosure. MicroHAWK now provides users a single hardware solution with options to meet any decoding or inspection task, in any integration space, and with scalability to adapt to meet unpredictable requirements in the future. The complete engine and camera platform has been designed with life science and OEM applications in mind, focused on unique feature customizations in enclosed devices that can be manufactured and supported by Microscan’s Clinical Solutions Team for years to accommodate instrument lifecycles.
访问Microscan Booth#1260在AACC的年度科学会议和临床实验室博览会上进行互动演示,并与MicroScan专用临床解决方案团队成员讨论定制项目。代表Microscan获得免费通报临床实验室博览会,是第一个在行动中看到MicroHawk®智能相机,或在www.microscan.com上了解更多Microscan
作为ISO 9001:2008年认证公司认可,在美国,Microscan认识到美国的质量领导,以全球客户为全球客户的认识和信赖,作为质量高精度产品的提供商。Microscan是Spectrib PLC的一部分,生产力增强仪器和控制公司。