LMI Technologies接收官方通用机器人+认证
温哥华,BC- LMI Technologies(LMI)是3D扫描和检查的全球领导者,很高兴地宣布它已正式认证与通用机器人集成。
通用机器人(UR)是协同机器人武器(称为Cobots)的市场领导者,其目标是各种规模的公司。他们易于使用和经济高效的UR3,UR5,UR10和UR E系列型号在今天的几千多个生产环境中部署在全球的几千个生产环境中 - 在主要工厂自动化应用,如挑选,质量检验,和包装和码垛。
UR认证专门适用于LMI Technologies的Gocator®3D快照传感器,它使用立体声结构光技术来测量零件的形状和方向,用于自动化检查,零件运动和指导型应用。
“在许多方面,你和LMI都很常见,因为我们都努力建立具有成本效益和易于使用的3D解决方案。将3D机器视觉与机器人连接是一种自然的适合,通过响应环境的动态变化,使机器人能够更多。我们对这款3D感应和机器人技术的组合可以为客户提供挑选和质量检测应用的许多好处,我们是众多好处,“LMI技术首席执行官Terry Arden说。
Universal Robots was co-founded in 2005 by the company’s CTO, Esben Østergaard – the 2018 Engelberger Award Winner – who wanted to make robot technology accessible to all by developing small, user-friendly, reasonably priced, flexible industrial robots that are safe to work with. Since the first collaborative robot (cobot) was launched in 2008, the company has experienced considerable growth with the user-friendly cobot now sold worldwide. The company, which is a part of Teradyne Inc., is headquartered in Odense, Denmark, and has subsidiaries and regional offices in the United States, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, Turkey, China, India, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Mexico. In 2017, Universal Robots had a revenue of USD 170 million. For more information, please visit www.universal-robots.comor read our blog at blog.universal-robots.com.