







Gidel首先用100 GB / s同轴投入12帧抓斗


高端帧抓取器制造商提供了新的产品线,具有8条cXp12链路,500+ MPixels/second的无损和JPEG编码器,以及支持定制FPGA ISP的能力。

Gidel是基于fpga的尖端视觉和成像解决方案的技术领导者,该公司宣布了一种新的帧捕捉器系列,其带宽是市场上任何其他捕捉器的两倍。Proc10A cXp12和HawkEye_cXp12均基于Arria 10 fpga,提供巨大的实时处理能力和内存资源,最多支持8条PoCXP12链路,提供高达100gb /s (10,000 Mb/s)的吞吐量。Proc10A cXp12支持8个500+ MPixels/s无损和JPEG编码器,使每个编码器的像素频率比同类产品高出一倍。高端抓取器的处理速度至少可以达到每台相机2gpixel /s。

两个帧都抓取完全支持线扫描和面积扫描摄像机,以及Genicam。它们利用电源 - 通过COXPRESS(POCXP),提供高达34 GB的板载存储器,明显大于其他地方可以在其他地方找到。Grabbers的极其紧凑的压缩编码器与Gidel的无限性相结合,提供了可用的最有效的记录系统,能够同步100多个摄像机/传感器。

Gidel’s CoaXPress 12 grabbers’ APIs allow them to handle separate programs/processes in online machine vision processing and recording systems in parallel, with compression for the recording system handled right on the grabber, making the products uniquely suited for machine vision applications with the need to keep original data. The products are ideal for use in high-end machine vision, industrial inspection/ automation, broadcast, medical imaging, and more.

“Gidel’s ability to deliver eight cXp12 links, process data right on the grabber, and compress data on the fly reduces the number of grabbers and computers needed per task, as well as the camera system’s overall power consumption,” says Ofer Pravda, VP Marketing & Sales at Gidel. “Our ultra-high bandwidth allows acquisition from high-end cameras at hundreds of frames per second, thus representing a huge savings in both cost and footprint for large-scale systems.


  • 为专有相机定制协议,包括为每帧改变帧大小和格式的能力
  • 通过使用自身独特的IPS与所需的GIDEL IPS和模板结合使用自己的唯一IPS加速图像信号处理(ISP),包括可选的无损和其他压缩,以便可以脱机处理数据
  • 通过一系列抓取器定制它们的成本/性能结果,从低成本选项到为ISP提供115万个逻辑元件(LEs)的高端抓取器,这远远超过任何其他帧抓取器可以支持的数量

由于Gidel提供了Vision应用程序所需的大部分核心基础设施,用户可以快速开始构建自己的FPGA视觉流。Gidel的帧抓取器由公司的ProcVision Kit支持,它允许用户以直观和简单的方式定制他们的视觉流,通过定制软件和FPGA设计代码,以满足不同的帧抓取口味。开发人员的工具包支持自动生成应用程序支持包(asp),包括Gidel的CamSim(摄像头模拟器)以及用于调试和验证FPGA图像处理ip的工具。

“Today’s applications use faster and higher resolution cameras, and thus require higher bandwidth in both grabbing and processing, so Gidel has combined CoaXPress 12 with a variety of development tools to overcome these limits by tailoring the solution to the application needs,” says Reuven Weintraub, Founder and CTO, Gidel. “One example of reducing the requested PCIe bandwidth and host processing is to combine feature extraction in FPGA with storing all image data to the grabber memory, while using the ProcFG API to grab only the relevant Regions Of Interest (ROI)s for further processing on the host. The grabbers’ compression encoders can also reduce the required bandwidth.

“Proc10A cXp12和HawkEye_cXp12现在可以购买了。为了进一步帮助客户,Gidel还提供ODM服务,如开发FPGA控制、数据流和处理。
