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Member Since 2016


A typical project for ARC Specialties begins when a customer goes to the company with a manufacturing problem. Working with the customer, the staff will propose a solution. In some cases, ARC needs to prototype the system before a complete proposal is possible. In the ARC research facility, a full testing and technical setup allows the technology services staff to work with tools from stereo lithography welding systems to racecar camshaft welds. Frequently, this ability to develop a process before a full-blown manufacturing system is built will allow ARC to improve the final machine and shorten the delivery time. ARC Specialties builds on three basic platforms, programmable logic controllers (PLC), machine tool controller (CNC) and 6 axis robots. The ARC6 robotic welding robot is one of the last remaining robots designed and build in the USA. No one technology solves all manufacturing problems. Generally ARC will choose a PLC if given a process problem. PLCs are fast and reliable—when the motion requirements exceed that of a PLC, ARC selects a CNC controller. When ARC is presented with a problem that requires 6 axes of motion, the company will use an articulated arm.

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FANUC Awards ARC Specialties it's Innovative System of the Year Award

POSTED 02/28/2023

Transocean, a leading offshore drilling contractor, has rig operations located in harsh environment and ultra-deepwater locations across the globe. In the offshore world, Transocean was challenged to improve their operator’s drilling performance. More importantly, they needed to create a safer environment for employees working in potentially dangerous red zone areas of the rig.

Transocean partnered with FANUC’s Authorized System Integrator ARC Specialties to design an automated solution to handle the drilling riser connections, which was the most labor-intensive operation. Before automation, this hazardous job required team members to carry heavy bolts and use brute force to manipulate torque wrenches for each bolt on the riser.

The Robotic Solution
ARC Specialties worked to overcome several challenges that can impact operations on an oil rig located in the ocean – including wind, rain and waves – not to mention inconsistent parts affected by harsh conditions. These circumstances are much different than most factory operations where the equipment is typically stationary and bolted to the floor.

ARC Specialties had no reservations regarding the reliability of FANUC’s robots but knew that the system would require the latest adaptive control software. This would allow the robot to work consistently in a dynamic environment including the constantly changing motion of the vessel and the riser.

The system uses twoFANUC M-900iB/280 FoundryProrobots with enhanced rigidity for applications requiring ultimate precision and the ability to work in harsh environments. The robots are also equipped with FANUC Soft Float software and a custom torque tool which allows them to react to variances in workpiece precision and the extremely heavy torque load. In addition, iRVision® enables the robots to “see” the position of the bolts.

Goals Met!
This is the first system of its kind and has proven a huge success! It has improved efficiency by moving Transocean’s skilled workers out of the dangerous red zone to other areas of the rig where they can perform different tasks. Another key benefit is achieving higher levels of consistency with robotic automation without the concern for human safety.

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