Member Since 2001


Comau LLC offers its global capacity as a manufacturer and systems integrator of complete engineering solutions, from product development to the realization of industrial process automation solutions and an entire range of aftermarket support services. The company develops and supplies robots, collaborative robots and wearable robotics for global manufacturing industries. Comau robots are used in welding, assembly, foundry, inter press, and material handling applications, as well as in advanced technological processes and in material removal.

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Comau Academy的E.Do™体验使用E.DO™机器人鼓励创新学习方法的教学平台

Comau Academy的E.Do™体验是一个新的教学平台,该平台将于2019年1月提供,旨在为机器人增强的学习提供一种新的,互动和创造性的方法。它使用Comau的E.Do机器人使教学在学校和其他地方更具创新性和刺激性。


Modular, versatile, open-source and interactive, the compact e.DO™ robot has been developed by Comau especially for teaching purposes. It is ideal for stimulating students' creativity and their active participation in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). e.DO is the perfect learning tool for anybody wishing to explore the world of robotics, as it helps students acquire practical robot operating and programming skills in an entertaining way.


"Technological innovation has led to new ways of teaching and learning," explains Donatella Pinto, Head of Human Resources at Comau. “e.DO, the instrument around which Comau has developed its e.DO Experience, is an excellent example. This innovative program offers students, teachers and professionals a chance to experience the effectiveness and validity of a genuinely interesting, engaging and inspiring approach to learning. The e.DO Experience demonstrates Comau's belief in the potential of young people and their ability to guide the ongoing digital transformation."

Comau has developed a total of six experiences: e.DO™ Learning Center, e.DO™ Learning Lab, e.DO™ Robotics Licenses, e.DO™ Programs, e.DO™ Events and e.DO™ Corner.

e.DO™ Learning Center provides an innovative learning environment in which primary and secondary school children can use e.DO to investigate subjects like physics, mathematics and other STEM topics. Instructive, creative and inspirational, e.DO™ Learning Center sparks young people's curiosity about technological innovation and makes learning fun.


Anybody wishing to study robotics in greater depth will find e.DO™ Robotics Licenses particularly useful. This experience consists of a set of learning paths dedicated to industrial and open robotics. It offers a chance to obtain an internationally recognised qualification (an industrial robot operation and programming certificate) or an e.DO operator certificate.



To find out more about e.DO Experience, go to