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Member Since 2019


Brain Corp is the global leader in robotic AI software that powers the largest fleet of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) operating in commercial public spaces. Global OEM partners use the company’s cloud-connected platform, BrainOS®, to create scalable, self-driving robots that are used by end customers to clean floors, move inventory, and sense environmental data to enable the digital transformation of physical workflows.

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Brain Corp向沃尔玛提供AI服务


加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥-- Brain Corp, a San Diego-based software technology company, announced today that it has entered into a relationship with Walmart to provide AI services to the world's largest retailer.

Brain Corp的Brainos平台目前自动化了沃尔玛在美国各地的一百多个商业地板洗涤器。Brainos为机器提供了自主导航和数据收集功能,所有导航功能都与基于云的报告系统有关。沃尔玛预计,到2019年1月31日的财政年度结束时,将拥有360个机器人。

Walmart's BrainOS-powered floor scrubbers allow store associates to quickly map a route during an initial training ride and then activate autonomous floor cleaning with the press of a single button. The robot uses multiple sensors to scan its surroundings for people and obstacles, providing the industry's highest level of safety and performance.

"We're excited to work with Brain Corp in supporting our retail operations and providing our associates with a safe and reliable technology," says John Crecelius, Walmart's VP of Central Operations. "BrainOS is a powerful tool in helping our associates complete repetitive tasks so they can focus on other tasks within role and spend more time serving customers."

“我们很高兴与沃尔玛合作,以增强其零售地点的客户体验,” Brainos Corp的首席执行官Eugene Izhikevich博士说:“ Brainos Technology允许机器人在复杂的,拥挤的环境中有效,安全地运行,从而提高生产率和效率。在整个应用程序中。我们期待继续与沃尔玛一起工作,以帮助建立智能的互联商店。”

Brain Operating System (BrainOS®)
BrainOS® is the foundation of Brain Corp's technology platform. It is a proprietary operating system that integrates with off-the-shelf hardware and cloud technology to provide a cost-effective "brain" for robots. BrainOS has computer vision and AI libraries that enable quick and efficient development of smart systems that learn and adapt to people and complex environments. Its navigation stack provides advanced self-driving capabilities for cluttered and dynamic indoor environments.

Brain Corporation(Brain Corp)是一家总部位于圣地亚哥的AI公司,专门为日常机器开发智能,自主导航系统。该公司通过与商业设备制造商和关键技术提供商合作,使机器人解决方案的推出和可扩展性。Brain Corp由Soft Bank Vision Fund和Qualcomm Ventures资助。

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