剑桥/时间/- ATS自动化工具系统公司(TSX: ATA)(“ATS”或“公司”)是行业领先的自动化解决方案提供商,今天宣布了一项重组计划,以帮助减轻COVID-19大流行带来的运输市场低迷的预期影响。
该公司首席执行官Andrew Hider表示:“这一举措是必要的,可以使我们的业务能力和成本结构与当前和预期的运输市场状况相一致。”“通过现在实施该计划,我们将有助于减少未来利润的侵蚀,并为运输客户提供与我们的技术、能力和价值创造目标相一致的机会。”
本新闻稿包含某些陈述,构成适用证券法意义下的前瞻性信息(“前瞻性陈述”)。该前瞻性陈述涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致ATS的实际结果、业绩或成就,或ATS业务或行业的发展与预期的结果、业绩有重大差异。这种前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的成就或发展前瞻性陈述包括所有基于对未来经济状况和行动路线的假设的关于可能发生的事件、条件或经营结果的披露。前瞻性陈述还可以包括但不限于与未来事件、条件或情况有关的任何陈述。前瞻性陈述涉及公司运输市场低迷的预期影响,重组计划完成的预期时间,以及预期成本等。可能影响前瞻性陈述的风险和不确定性包括:COVID-19的进展及其对公司资产运营能力的影响,包括可能因COVID-19爆发而关闭设施;公司开展业务的所有辖区内COVID-19大流行的严重程度和持续时间;政府对旅行和商务活动施加限制的性质和程度,以及政府援助计划的性质、程度和适用性(在两种情况下与COVID-19大流行有关),适用于公司开展业务的所有管辖区;新冠肺炎大流行对公司员工、客户和供应商的影响; the impact of the global economy and general market performance; performance of the transportation market; that the reorganization plan is not implemented as anticipated, takes longer than anticipated, and/or does not achieve the anticipated benefits, resulting in delays, increased costs, and/or lower than expected improvements to operating performance; management effectiveness and disaster response preparedness, including business continuity plans in response to COVID-19; that one or more customers, or other entities with which the Company has contracted, experience insolvency or bankruptcy with resulting delays, costs or losses to the Company; political, labour or supplier disruptions; risks relating to legal proceedings to which ATS is or may become a party; exposure to product and/or professional liability claims; and other risks detailed from time to time in ATS' filings with Canadian provincial securities regulators. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements or information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements or information contained herein which speak only as of the date they are made. Forward-looking statements are based on management's current plans, estimates, projections, beliefs and opinions, and other than as required by applicable securities laws, ATS does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements should assumptions related to these plans, estimates, projections, beliefs and opinions change.