

Allied Motion Technologies为商业、工业和航空航天/国防市场设计和制造电机和伺服运动产品。Allied Motion正在成长为技术先进的运动控制产品的全球领先供应商,为我们选定的市场细分。


N / A.

N / A.





Allied Motion Technologies Inc.基于杠杆的速度。新设施的初步收益用于兑换2019年至今的3000万美元,14.5%的高级次级票据,并在其以前现有的循环信贷设施和一期贷款中偿还了4050万美元。与再融资有关,该公司将在2016年第四季度识别1百万美元的无日融资费用。




关于Allied Motion Technologies Inc.
Allied Motion(纳斯达克:AMOT),设计,制造商和销售精密和专业运动控制部件和系统,用于各大供应市场的广泛行业,包括车辆,医疗,航空航天和国防,电子和工业。该公司总部位于纽约州阿默斯特,拥有全球运营,并在美国,加拿大,南美,欧洲和亚洲销售市场。

Allied Motion专注于运动控制应用,在全球范围内以其在电磁,机械和电子运动技术方面的专业知识。其产品包括刷子和无刷直流电动机,无刷伺服和扭矩电动机,无芯直流电机,集成无刷电动机,齿轮电机,齿轮,模块化数字伺服驱动器,运动控制器,增量和绝对光学编码器等相关运动控制 -相关产品。The Company’s growth strategy is focused on becoming the motion solution leader in its selected target markets by leveraging its “technology/know how” to develop integrated precision motion solutions that utilize multiple Allied Motion technologies to “change the game” and create higher value solutions for its customers.


在1995年私营证券诉讼改革法案的意义内,本新闻发布的该消息的陈述是“前瞻性陈述”。前瞻性陈述包括但不限于可能预测,预测的任何声明,表明或暗示未来的结果,表现或成就,并且可能包含“相信”这个词“预期”,“期待”,“项目,”“打算”,“将继续,”“可能会导致”,“可能会导致”“应该“或类似含义的单词或短语。前瞻性陈述涉及已知和未知的风险和不确定性,可能导致实际结果与前瞻性陈述中描述的预期结果不同。风险和不确定性包括与我们所服务的市场的国内外一般业务和经济条件的风险和不确定性,包括政治和货币风险以及当地法律和监管环境的不利变化;引进新技术和竞争产品的影响;保护公司知识产权的能力;我们维持,管理或预测其增长和产品验收的能力,以准确地对准需求的能力;我们的客户的持续成功和实现我们订单积压中的全部金额作为收入的能力;有关公司损失或公司合同的可执行性与合并,收购,处置,破产或其他方式;我们能够满足客户的技术规格;分包商或供应商的表现以及零部件的持续可用性; changes in government regulations; the availability of financing and our access to capital markets, borrowings, or financial transactions to hedge certain risks; the Company's ability to realize the annual interest expense savings from its debt refinancing; the ability to attract and retain qualified personnel who can design new applications and products for the motion industry; the ability to implement our corporate strategies designed for growth and improvement in profits including to identify and consummate favorable acquisitions to support external growth and the development of new technologies; the ability to successfully integrate an acquired business into our business model without substantial costs, delays, or problems; our ability to control costs, including the establishment and operation of low cost region manufacturing and component sourcing capabilities; and other risks and uncertainties detailed from time to time in the Company’s SEC filings. Actual results, events and performance may differ materially. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward looking statements as a prediction of actual results. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made. New risks and uncertainties arise over time, and it is not possible for us to predict the occurrence of those matters or the manner in which they may affect us. The Company has no obligation or intent to release publicly any revisions to any forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.