作者:Dave Perkon,控制设计技术编辑
如何使用机器人|添加工作来自Control Design的2020年1月24日
...过去十年是美国的增长期。爱普生机器人公司产品经理斯科特•马西克表示:“尽管自动化是这波浪潮的一大受益者,但人们对机器人“扼杀就业”的担忧尚未完全得到证实。”有趣的是,在过去十年中,随着机器人安置的增加,职位空缺也在增加(ITR 2019)。我们继续看到的是,许多行业仍然存在巨大的技术劳动力差距,这些差距为那些受过培训的人——尤其是自动化行业的人——提供了利用这些差距的机会。”
Automation creates opportunities for companies to shift their labor force from the jobs people typically don’t want—the mundane, repetitive, unsafe tasks—to more productive and higher value tasks," continues Marsic. "This evolution is helping our manufacturing sector to be more competitive and take better advantage of the labor force available to them. Further, automation is creating opportunities for employees to expand their careers into the maintenance, programming and management of automation equipment and tools."