Case Studies
Robotic picking of cylindrical parts
POSTED 07/28/2022
The customer needed an automated solution for picking various models of a product and placing them onto a conveyor belt / pallet changer system. This task was performed manually before. Automating the task was aimed to increase the pick & place speed and reduce the lack of labor.
Bin Picking Studio+PhoXi 3D Scanner L
The automation solution consists of the following elements:
- Photoneo Bin Picking Studio – robotic intelligence software for precise and reliable robot navigation in bin picking applications
- Photoneo PhoXi 3D Scanner model L – a structured light 3D scanner that provides submillimeter accuracy and supreme resolution
- NACHI Robot MC Series with Payload 70KG
- Pneumatic magnetic gripper IXTUR MRP-46 – 2x units
The PhoXi 3D Scanner makes a scan of the parts, which is processed in the Bin Picking Studio to plan the correct path for robot navigation. This data is then sent to the robot, which picks each part one by one and places it onto the pallet changer conveyor.
自动化(t)his pick & place task led to many advantages, including:
- Increased productivity by 40% compared to manual operation
- Time savings of 35%
- 减少人力成本
- Increased efficiency and reliability of putting the parts into a forging machine
- Increased safety
The partner considers the Bin Picking Studio and PhoXi 3D Scanner from Photoneo as the best possible solution for this project. They are very satisfied with the results it brought as well as with the fact that the solution is very easy to install and use.