
Component Supplier






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Optical quality testing



Berghof Automation GmbH | Testing


Many suppliers currently use industrial image processing systems with cameras for their test systems in order to be able to test their components quickly and reliably in all relevant quality parameters after production and assembly.

此过程具有其陷阱 - 到目前为止使用的工业图像处理系统不再是首选,尤其是对于不同的涂漆表面和非常多样化的组件。原因是这些系统取决于组件的相应对比度和调整光。为了获得令人信服的结果,不同的表面涂层和较大的组件方差需要大量排列相机。此类系统的实施非常耗时,因此对于未来的测试项目变体而言是昂贵的,并且不灵活。此外,实际上,流浪光或环境光的变化通常会伪造结果。此外,测试系统的制造商依靠使用工件载体来通过测试系统运输组件 - 这意味着系统需要更多的空间,较小的空间,弹性较小,需要更改变体时的转换时间,并最终导致更高的成本导致更高的成本。

因此,客户决定使用3D扫描仪而不是工业图像处理系统。第一批扫描仪将测试项目的坐标捕获在输送带上,并将其传递到机器人握把手臂上。该系统完全独立于输送带上的组件位置。通过第二个3D扫描仪在“智能组件测试仪” SCOT中完成测试项目以进行光学检查,以完成完整性,正确的组件等。使用3D图像进行光学检查。



PhoXi 3D Scanner XL+Bin Picking Studio

这“Smart Component Tester” SCoT is a test system for the optical inspection of components for completeness, correct assembly, etc., e.g. for vehicle components of automotive manufacturers and suppliers. It consists of a conveyor belt for inserting and removing test specimens, a test cabin with a robot gripper, two PhoXi 3D Scanners, and a control panel for a graphical overview of the test results.

短线性传送带将测试项目带到没有固定方向和变体定义的第一个站,其中3D扫描仪记录了相应的3D模型。机器人抓手使用此3D模型来精确计算输送带上测试项目的坐标。这使机器人能够快速安全地拾取相应的测试样品 - 无论其在输送带上的角度和角度何处,无论是什么角度。然后,机器人拾取测试项目,并将其置于实际的测试位置。

这second 3D scanner displays the 3D data for a specially developed virtual camera, which performs the optical test analogously to conventional vision inspections – but is completely unaffected by the current light situation, the contrast between the component and its surroundings, or disturbing reflections.


Other suppliers work with conventional image processing, which is significantly more prone to failure and requires workpiece carriers. In this approach, the type of test item and the position coordinates are determined via a 3D scanner.

With the “Smart Component Tester” SCoT, modules at the end of the assembly line can be checked for correct assembly and position of the components regardless of changing light conditions, contrasts, reflections, and scattered light. SCoT delivers perfectly reproducible results, even with changes in contrast and/or light conditions. In addition, SCoT no longer requires elaborate conveyor technology based on workpiece carriers – and can therefore be used very flexibly. All this means time and space savings, cost reduction, and high flexibility in terms of variant independence: the input, testing, and output of test specimens run in parallel, which is why three workpieces can always be located in the test system at once. Because the system works without workpiece carriers, changeover times are completely eliminated and a mixed operation is possible. Different variants and models can be tested at the same time and new variants can be added quickly and easily in the software.

确信Berghof在此测试系统中使用光电技术的原因是Photone 3D扫描仪的速度。Berghof需要达到客户所需的一定周期时间,并且使用Photoneo系统,他们成功了。

Berghof Testing的“智能组件测试仪” SCOT是“机器与工程”类别中德国创新奖2021年的“获奖者”之一。“德国创新奖”旨在表彰与以前的解决方案不同的产品和解决方案,主要是以用户为中心并提供附加值。共有近700次创新作出了“德国创新奖”陪审团的批判性判决,该陪审团由工业,科学,机构和金融的独立,跨学科专家组成。根据创新,用户利益和效率的水平对条目进行评估。