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Numurus helps companies reduce the cost, time, and risks of bringing edge-AI and robotic solutions to market through NEPI, an open-source operating system for robotics and edge-AI applications that accelerates the development of smart solutions.

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Case Study: Numurus Supports Drone Automation with Turnkey AI and Automation Solutions

POSTED 07/11/2023

NEPI, a software tookit for AI and Automation免费维evelopers, students, educators and researchers.

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Case Study

Application:Simulated search and rescue drone operation that needed AI and more automation for a student capstone project

Situation:Lane Community College was looking for a way to increase a student's educational experience in drone AI and automation.

Challenge:Adding advanced AI and automation to a drone and other robotic platforms requires the integration and orchestration of many complex technologies, which distracts from the ultimate education goals

解决方案:NEPI, a software toolkit, provides a rapid AI and automation development environment for engineers, students, and educators

Process:Leveraging a NEPI-enabled drone automation hardware solution, Christopher will orchestrate drone autonomous actions using NEPI deployed Python- scripts and the NEPI ROS API.

Future:Numurus will help to develop a drone AI and automation curriculum suitable for drone students and STEM programs around the world.