


AT - 自动化技术是特殊成像传感器领域的全球技术领导者。我们开发和生产智能红外摄像机,3D传感器和传感器解决方案,用于过程自动化以及监视和检查任务。






快速,精确,灵活:AT -AT -Automation Technology通过其3D传感器组合为自己提供了国际名称,并且一直是该行业的主要供应商之一。这样做的原因是3D传感器的个人开发,因此来自德国北部的公司几乎可以为任何应用提供合适的解决方案,然后根据客户的规格精确地制造,即使没有额外的定制制造费用,没有最低订单接受,也没有长时间的等待时间。

One company that benefits from these advantages of AT 3D sensors is EcoMark GmbH, which specializes, among other things, in labeling food directly on the tray via laser marking. On the one hand, in order to produce less plastic and packaging in the future, but on the other hand also to provide an effective process under the aspect of sustainability and environmental friendliness, which at the same time is also demonstrably economical. However, food branding required a great deal of technical know-how right from the start, as there were a number of important details to consider when labeling food.



"EcoMark is a perfect example of the unique diversity of AT's 300+ sensor variants. Based on the customer's technical data, we were able to deliver the right 3D sensor to meet their exact requirements. We always try to offer the best possible product for each of our customers to significantly benefit their processes and increase their effectiveness," explains Michael Wandelt, CEO of AT - Automation Technology.


However, in addition to the convincing technology of the food branding application, the focus is also on the cost-effectiveness of this process optimization. "We are very optimistic that the trend of food labeling directly on the tray will become established in the future. Ultimately, this method is significantly cheaper than previous plastic solutions, as packaging costs are completely eliminated. We only incurred costs at the beginning of production due to the purchase of the labeling system, further follow-up costs are very low," says Richard Neuhoff, CEO of EcoMark.

甚至在食品br EcoMark发达的机器anding, the company was already specialized in laser machines for marking any material. Due to years of expertise in this area, the idea of so-called natural branding was born in 2018, with which the company was able to attract global attention. EcoMark GmbH is now one of the largest international providers of food and natural branding. In general, their labeling machine marks up to 100,000 fruit products per hour, depending on the thickness of the tray and the nature of the variety. "Each fruit and vegetable product has a different size and, of course, a different peel, so we always have to be careful to find the best compromise between the visibility of the marking and the shelf life of the product. If the laser were set incorrectly, for example, the peel would be destroyed in the process, so you have to know very well what you are doing," Richard Neuhoff continues.


For the application that EcoMark has developed with the AT sensors, it is again irrelevant whether a kiwi or a cucumber is lying on the conveyor belt. The 3D sensor scans the fruit and vegetables flexibly and creates a 3D point cloud for each product within milliseconds, according to which the marking laser is then aligned. To present date, AT EcoMark has already supplied 15 C5-2040CS sensors for the food branding application, with further sensors for other industries in the pipeline, as they have been in continuous use since first being integrated into the labeling system when flexibility and productivity are required.