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在纽约罗切斯特的地点;纽约绘画邮政;北卡罗来纳州列克星敦;田纳西州孟菲斯(Memphis),Adaptec Solutions是您所有材料处理和自动化需求的单一源集成商。我们以基于团队的方法为客户开发最佳解决方案而感到自豪。我们专注于标准和定制的集成材料处理和自动化解决方案,并提供广泛的功能。我们的集体产品和服务组合包括材料处理,仓库,自动化,机器人集成和培训,控制,设计咨询和检查服务,以确保全部客户满意度。我们还提供24/7预防性维护,维修,分解和培训服务。访问我们的网站了解更多信息。








这customer was manually palletizing cases of fresh chicken after sending it to a remote site to be frozen for warehouse storage. In order to speed up the freezing process, special tier sheets were stacked between all layers of all products. The sheets had to be manually removed between layers – and sanitized – before the pallets could be manually palletized for distribution, resulting in excessive amounts of labor and cost.

客户建立了一个新的设施来内部执行所有流程。需要解决方案将新鲜鸡肉从生产转移到可变的保留时间(VRT)Blast Freezer,然后转变为托盘系统以进行仓库分配。一旦冻结,就需要对案件进行播放,并将拉伸包裹在冰箱仓库或装运中。产品还可以从远程站点传递,需要通过相同的高爆和冰柜发送,以播放以进行未来的仓库分配。


Adaptec collaborated with numerous partners to design, build, and install a complete turnkey solution, moving product from production/de-palletizing, through the VRT, then to a palletizing system. The project consists of six case conveyor lines that feed the VRT freezer in addition to product conveyed from the de-palletizing cell. One case conveyor line comes out of the VRT to two palletizers. Bar code scanners are located at the infeed of all lines and at discharge to ensure bar code compliance and communicate information to the VRT.

这de-palletizing cell receives full pallets of fresh chicken from a remote facility. Unwrapped pallets are indexed into the cell through a set of safety light curtains. Once the load clears the curtains, another full pallet can be staged on the infeed conveyor. As the pallet load reaches the de-palletizing zone, a FANUC M-410iC/185 robot picks a layer of product with a vacuum end-of-arm tool and places it on a staging conveyor. The cases are oriented through a series of sortation conveyors to ensure labels are in the correct location for transportation into the VRT.

所有指定用于机器人托盘的产品均被运输到prosort MRT上,以分类到适当的托盘厂。产品将被运送到机器人选拔位置,在该位置根据需要进行战略选择。


这robot will pick cases or rows as needed and build pallets per the defined pallet stack pattern for each SKU. Full pallets will move down the conveyor to the Wulftec stretch wrapper to await forklift pick up.


  • 去除式电池以每分钟20个案例运行。
  • 这palletizing system is designed to handle 4 SKUs at any time. Rate of product out of the freezer is 72 cases per 115 seconds. The cell is a dual 4-in, 4-out system with a lane dedicated for manual pallet stacking for product that will have volume suitable for manual palletizing.
  • 拉伸包装器每小时包装100个负载。



  • Spantech输送机(加多少英尺?)
  • Hytrol Prosort MRT输送机
  • 机滚床传送带
  • Hytrol 24伏累积输送机
  • Hytrol Cormatation Gapper-D传送带


  • FANUC M-410iC/185 robot
  • Schmalz真空eoat
  • 3股全托盘输送机(品牌)