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卑尔根物流 - 放置CAJA机器人技术?在3PL设施中工作的机器人

POSTED 09/09/2021

Bergen Logistics is a global third-party logistics (3PL) company based out of North Bergen, NJ. They specialize in fashion and consumer products and provide a wide range of services to their growing customer base, including warehousing, and pick & pack services for both wholesale and e-commerce order fulfillment.

Operating in a fast-changing market, they successfully anticipated the growth of e-commerce orders to position themselves as a global key player in the fashion logistics market. Recognizing the importance of being able to adapt to this dynamic market environment, the Bergen Logistics management team decided to upgrade one of their East Coast operations centers and wanted to increase productivity, ensure same-day delivery, and remain competitive in a tight labor market. One of the biggest challenges they are facing is volatile seasonal demand, with peak season requirements changing from year to year, which necessitates – to bring a flexible order fulfillment solution in their warehouses.



Ultimately, Bergen Logistics selected CAJA Robotics as the technology solution for one of their NJ warehouses. CAJA’s system provides software, robots, and workstations to optimize order fulfillment processes and warehouse operations.




定制的采摘站在人体工程学上旨在提高员工的生产力和舒适性,确保整体系统无缝整合机器人和在仓库中工作的人员 - 每个完成适合他们的任务。

With the implementation of CAJA’s solution, Bergen Logistics’ order line throughput increased by 40%. This was accomplished by optimizing order processing and warehousing, as well as reducing downtime and time spent by workers walking around the warehouse. As a result, CAJA’s goods-to-person solution allows to process incoming orders faster, deliver items more quickly to customers and frees up a crucial resource, namely the time of the warehouse employees. With the help of CAJA’s technology, Bergen Logistics further improved picking accuracy, reduced inventory discrepancies and customer returns. Crucially, the system led to an increase of storage capacity by 50%, saving warehouse space.


储蓄银行的系统我s highly scalable, and Bergen Logistics can increase or decrease the automated order fulfillment as needed – a feature that’s especially helpful when Black Friday comes around. In addition, the responsive capability means that Bergen Logistics can switch easily between manual and automated order fulfillment, allowing them to determine the appropriate mode at the right time.

According to Ron Roman, Co-founder & CEO of Bergen Logistics, “CAJA provided us with an optimal automated solution that enables us to provide enhanced services to our customers.” He added, “they adapted the solution to meet our infrastructure and business needs, helping us to save dramatically on labor costs and make our operations more productive and effective.”

Bergen Logistics is looking forward to expanding the coverage of their CAJA system so they can continue to meet their customer’s rapidly changing needs – in particular in today’s warehousing and order fulfillment.