



Photoneo is a leading provider of robotic vision and intelligence. Based on a patented 3D technology, Photoneo developed the world’s highest-resolution and highest-accuracy 3D camera, thus unlocking the full potential of powerful, reliable, and fast machine learning.

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Automated inspection of large objects in motion




  • 3D扫描大型和任意运动的物体:传统的3D视觉系统努力以快速速度提供高精度以捕获整个扫描量。这通常会限制对象大小。
  • Synchronization and the need to use marker patterns:Marker patterns are special patterns recognized by 3D vision systems such asPhoXi 3D Scanners这些不仅用于校准设备,还用于对齐从不同角度进行多个扫描,以创建扫描对象的完整3D模型。Photoneo为其3D扫描仪的不同型号提供不同尺寸的标记图案,并具有特定的扫描量和距离。
  • 对高通量的需求:只有使用可靠的3D扫描设备才能实现高吞吐量,该设备能够快速获取扫描,同时提供高质量的3D数据。





3D相机由Photoneo的专利提供动力平行结构光技术, which outperforms conventional 3D sensing technologies in a number of points:

  • 它提供了移动场景的实时3D点云,现在也有色!
  • 它提供了TOF系统的速度,并结合结构光系统的质量
  • 相机可以以2种模式运行:
    • Dynamic mode = resolution of 0.9 Mpx, accuracy of 300 – 1,250 μm
    • Static mode = resolution of 2 Mpx, accuracy of 150 – 900 μm
  • The 3D point cloud has low noise and detailed contours on the edges of the scanned objects
  • It delivers robust performance even when scanning different materials
  • In combination with the PhoXi 3D Instant Meshing library, a 3D model can be created right at the time of acquisition
  • Industrial robustness = IP65, PoE, thermal calibration
  • Suppression of the effects of ambient light
  • 集成计算单元=每秒1500万点

由于这些特点,非常贴切ionCam-3D enables automated inspection of large, fast-moving objects without interruption or human intervention. It allows 100% inspection and quality control of objects while they are moving upon all 3 axes – in the X, Y, and Z directions.


Vehicle damage inspection



手动检查是耗时的,不能像自动检查那样提供如此高的吞吐量,效率和可靠性。MotionCam-3D可以通过点云的“网格”instant meshingto provide precise and accurate images of even oversized objects such as vehicles. The largest model L provides a scanning range of up to 4 meters.



Robot guidance for painting / sandblasting

Another application that relies on high-quality 3D scanning of large objects in motion is fast 3D model creation for painting or sandblasting using a vision-guided robot.


After inspection, the object can be sandblasted or painted. Thanks to the Parallel Structured Light technology and the PhoXi 3D Instant Meshing, the object can be rotating or randomly moving in front of the robot without stopping.



MotionCam-3dprovides the best-in-the-market ratio between the quality and speed of data acquisition. This means that customers do not need to compromise anymore between these two values as they can have both with one device – and now also with color data.

The ability to capture large working areas of fast-moving objects and to provide their 3D point cloud with exceptional resolution and submillimeter accuracy makes the camera the ultimate device for automated inspection of large objects.

Instant meshing eliminates the need to use marker patterns for the alignment of multiple scans and the fast scan acquisition speed increases throughput, efficiency, and productivity, compared to manual inspection. In addition, the high quality of 3D data increases the accuracy and reliability of inspection.

If you would like to get more information on MotionCam-3D or you would like to discuss your applications, do not hesitate to联系Photoneo团队.