How Cobots Can Enable Manufacturing Locally

How Cobots Can Enable Manufacturing Locally公司没有使用协作机器人进行制造,而不是在海外发送生产。许多消费者认为,当地生产的产品变得更好,改善了当地经济,并且对环境更友好。多亏了协作机器人,制造商可以将其产品与这些理想保持一致。

Why Manufacture Products Locally?

Consumers want to receive their products fast, so much so they’ll often pay subscription fees or expedited shipping charges to receive their goods in days or sometimes even hours. Offshore manufacturing can result in shipping delays that force buyers to seek out the competition. Warehousing a large amount of products often results in more waste and less available capital.

Traceability has also become more important in today’s global economy. Counterfeit or tainted products can be a risk to consumer health and your business’s reputation. Moving those products closer to home can help to eliminate these risks. Having production facilities closer to home also can result in stronger working relationships as teams meet together in person more frequently.

Direct Impact of Using Collaborative Robots for Manufacturing

Businesses understandably would appreciate some of these benefits of manufacturing locally. But how could collaborative robots help? There’s no denying that the initial costs of automation will require a substantial investment. But, there are many key areas where using collaborative robots for manufacturing pays off. Here are just a few:

Environmental Sustainability. There’s a good chance that your customers are concerned about the environment. Many consumers will even choose a brand based on their green initiatives. Buyers often fear that products manufactured in countries with little regulation will wreck the atmosphere, not to mention the environmental impact of shipping. Using local automation can help companies go green.



To learn more about the versatility of collaborative robots for industry, watch our webinarCollaborative Robot Storiesand discover how other businesses are implementing this technology.